Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My bad yall.

Please bear with me. I'm transitioning right now.

Before I decided to move, I'd spend 8-10 hours of the day staring at a computer screen and trying to find all the black and green news I could (while working, of course). Now, I'm spending up to 24 hours chasing an 8-month old, starting a business and driving back and forth from some Ohio town to another. Yeah, that's right, I decided to move from the hustle and bustle of the big city to a nicer, quieter, loving-er place. I would say cleaner, because aesthetically it is but in terms of carbon emissions it is not. (I think) New York to Ohio. Which would you choose? Anyway, I've been thinking a lot about things I could be writing as I wipe spit peas off my shirt, like:

...how organic baby food comes in plastic packaging (So what?) and
...how I could get this small town to ban plastic bags like San Fran. If they can do it, we can too! , or
...how I want to put a solar panel on the old family house I may rent; Can I do it myself? , or
...why my father still doesn't believe global warming is real hmph, why was it like 60 degrees the other day, pops?! , or
....how there's a lake flowing in Antartica is that normal? or
...how we decide our next leader will have a real effect on the planet. When you find one link for that let me know. Until then, I'm busy researching each one!

So for now, meditate on these things and I'll be brainstorming some more during Sesame Street. Until next time...

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