Monday, January 7, 2008

Yeah, I'll get to that....

This has been my 2008 motto so far for putting off my blog and putting off beginning a healthier lifestyle. I mean Kwanzaa break was delightful, but to extend it another week would be just unacceptable. So here I am and I extend my apologies.

So because last week everyone was talking about resolutions, perhaps I should also begin the year talking about resolutions (that I'll keep for a month or two), or not. While it seems quite ambitious to offer a green tip everyday or promise to do something green in my life everyday and tell you about it, I don't really roll that way. I am a fan of the gradual change process. What do you think? How do you make changes that stick? Do you plan to make any green changes?

I made a resolution one year to take everyday as it is new. This advice has proven to be the best advice I'd ever taken from an overheard conversation or someone on the radio or on some website --I still can't remember where I heard it. However, in addition to that advice, I have made the promise to myself this year, to remove JUNK from my life. This means JUNK food; old JUNK that cannot be reused or made into anything else; JUNK music/tv/entertainment that is not good for my family (it will be hard to give up Divorce Court :( JUNKy personal care products (not natural), plastic JUNK that I don't need, I am going to stop buying unnecessary JUNK --just junk altogether disgusts me. You know sometimes when I am in a greeny mood I go to the mall and just think all this JUNK is just future trash. Because America has this fashion thing, we know how to make stuff old, undesirable, unfashionable and it ends up in a landfill. Think about it. I hope you can feel me on this one. While old habits indeed die hard, I feel that if I make a commitment and stick to something so simple yet meaningful I can indeed do it.

I have done this with paper bags and I will soon move to reusable ones. I am working toward keeping a full organic pantry. It will be a while before I can buy a hybrid, but I know that's what I'll get if I can't find one of those electric car dealers in Ohio by the time I'm ready. I know I have many more changes to make and stick to like reusable water bottles, faucet filters, compost piles and getting the entire family to recycle, but if I just did it all at once I wouldn't have anything to blog about.

Stick with me and we'll figure out all this green stuff out together...

Happy New Year

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